The check constraint is used for Domain integrity.It is used to insert the limited value in particular column.If we define a check constraint on a single column then it allow values for that column.
Step3:- Create the multiple check constraints on the new table column.
Step4:- Create the multiple check constraints on the existing table's column .
Step5:- Insert the data in student table.
see it:-
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We can also apply check constraint on multiple column in the table.
There are some steps to know about check constraint on the table column.Which is given below
Step1:- Create the check constraints on the column when new table is creating.
create table student (id int,name char(20),city char(30) constraint chk check ( city in ('delhi','ghaziabad','pune')))
Step2:- Create the check constraints on the existing table's column .alter table student add constraint chk1 check ( city in ('delhi','ghaziabad', 'hydrabad'))
Step3:- Create the multiple check constraints on the new table column.
create table student2 (id int,name char(20),city char(30) constraint chk check ( id>=100 and city in ('delhi','ghaziabad','pune')))
Step4:- Create the multiple check constraints on the existing table's column .
alter table student add constraint chk2 check (id>=100 and city in ('delhi','ghaziabad', 'hydrabad'))
Step5:- Insert the data in student table.
insert into student values(100,'ram','delhi')
see it:-
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