Method Overriding in C#

When one class inherit from another class ,all the member of parent class become the member of child class .If there is a method of parent class that we want to predefined in child class. we can implement the concept of method overriding ,it means a method overriding of parents class and child class can have same method name with same parameter but parent class method will have "VIRTUAL"Keyword and child class method have "OVERRIDE"Keyword.


using System;
namespace methodoverriding
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            employee obj = new employee();
public class cls
    public virtual void display()
public class employee : cls
    public override void display()

Description:- Here ,I have maked the object of employee class. The display method of only employee class will get in memory,because the "display method" of cls  class has been over-hidden by the employee class.

Follow these steps to run this program:-

Step1:- Open your visual studio and go File->New Project->Click Console Application.
See it:-

Step2:- copy the whole program code in program.cs file.
See it:-

Step3:-  Now Run the Application(Press F5).

I hope this is helpful for you
For More:-

  1. Constructor and Destructor
  2. Array in C#

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