1. ) What is an operator in C#?
An operator is a symbol that is used to perform certain Mathematical and Logical manipulations. operators are used in program to manipulate data and variables.
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2. ) What are Special operators in C#?
is Relational operator
as Relational operator
typeof type operator
sizeof size operators
new object creator
.(dot) member-access operator
checked overflow checking
unchecked overflow checking
3. ) What are the shorthand assignment operators in C#?
8. ) What is Explicit conversion in C#?
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9. ) What is mixed mode Arithmetic in C#?
When one of the operands is real and the other is integer then that expression is called a mixed-mode arithmetic.
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10. ) What is an Expression in C#?An operator is a symbol that is used to perform certain Mathematical and Logical manipulations. operators are used in program to manipulate data and variables.
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2. ) What are Special operators in C#?
is Relational operator
as Relational operator
typeof type operator
sizeof size operators
new object creator
.(dot) member-access operator
checked overflow checking
unchecked overflow checking
3. ) What are the shorthand assignment operators in C#?
- x+=1
- x-=1
- x*=n+1
- x/=n+1
- x%=y
4. ) What is advantages of shorthand assignment operators in C#?
- The statement is more concise and easier to read.
- It is more easier to write.
- The use of shorthand operators result is a more efficient code.
5. ) What is type of conversion in C#?
- Implicit conversion
- Explicit conversion
6. ) What are the Increment and Decrement operators in C#?
- x++
- x--
- ++x
- --x
7. ) What is implicit conversion in C#?
8. ) What is Explicit conversion in C#?
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9. ) What is mixed mode Arithmetic in C#?
When one of the operands is real and the other is integer then that expression is called a mixed-mode arithmetic.
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An Expression is a statement that is evaluated by the compiler or human.
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