How to Pass Parameters in Crystal reports and fecth the records from the sql database in

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Hi Friend, Today we will learn"How to pass parameter in Crystal reports and fetch the records from the sql database on behalf of parameter pass in text box".Suppose, you have many records in your database and want to sort the records then you have to sort the records on the basis of any one column value in your database.Here we will pass this parameter value in crystal reports and display the sorted records in crystal reports.then you can download or print this records from the crystal reports. In previous post, you have learned as following. 
There are some steps to implements this whole concepts as given below:-

How to Display data in ReportViewer Control in web application easily

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Hi friend,Today we will learn "How to display data in ReportViewer control''in web application. The ReportViewer control is used to embed report functionality in a application.You can add more than one instance of a report Viewer control to the web page from the toolbox by using drag and drop feature.The Report View control displays one report definition at a time by default.But we can combine multiple instances of the control on the page as well if we want to view the report simultaneously. A single instance can also be used to host multiple report as long as users display one report at a time. The Report viewer controls work either in the local processing mode or in remote processing mode. You can also display the data by using Crystal Reports .
There are some steps to implement this whole concepts as given below:-

How to create Crystal Reports by using the CrystalReportViewer and CrystalReportSource Controls

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Introduction :- The CrystalReportSource Control and the CrystalReportViewer Control are used to control the functions and appearance of the report. Let's create Reports that shows the details of employees of a company. If you have not installed crystal Report in your visual studio,you can install it first from here .
Before creating crystal Report ,We have to create a employee table in your SQL Database and insert some entries also. If you are facing problem in creating table in sql server . You can see below link.
There are some steps to implement this whole concepts as given below:-
Step : 1 First Create a employee table in your sql database and insert some values also. If you haven't created before.

Architecture of Crystal Reports in .NET

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To understand the architecture of Crystal reports,we have to look at the following features as given below:-
  1. The embedded Crystal Reports Designer
  2. Report Viewer control
  3. Object models
I will explain each features one by one.First we will learn about The embedded Crystal Reports Designer GUI application.If you yet not installed Crystal Reports,you can install it from Here
The embedded Crystal Reports Designer
 The embedded Crystal Reports Designer is a GUI application used to create or modify report.The embedded Crystal Reports Designer provides the facility of the drag and  drop features like other controls in visual studio 2010. We can drag a report object, such as a database field or text object, from the toolbox drop it on designer. We can use the properties window or a shortcut menu to format the object.You can load the embedded crystal reports designer by double clicking the CrystalReport1.rpt file in the Solution Explorer window.
When you add Crystal reports to a web page or create Crystal Reports website using the ASP.NET Crystal Reports Web site template, the two controls are automatically  added to the designer of the Default.aspx page as given below:- 
  • CrstalReportViewer
  • CrystalReportsource
Note :- The Field Explorer Window is a part of the embedded Crystal Reports Designer .It is used to insert,modify,or delete fields in Crystal Reports.
Features of the Crystal Reports Designer :-
There are following features of Crystal Reports Designer as given below:-
  • Support for Experts tool
  • Support for Report controls
  • Support for Report Sections
1.) Support for Experts tool :-This is helpful to create Crystal Reports quickly based on your development needs as follows:-
  • It is helpful to select from many layout options,ranging from standard report to form letters,or creating your own report from scratch.
  • It is helpful to display charts in reports,which you can drill down and view with other details of the report.
  •  It calculates summaries, and percentages on grouped data.
  • It is used to display TopN or BottomN results of data.
  • It is helpful to formatting text and rotating text objects conditionally. 
2.) Support for Report controls :-
This uses drag and drop approach similar to the controls used in visual studio.You can drag the formula fields or charts control from the toolbox and drop them on the designer ,and use the properties window to format the control.Some report control that you can add and format in a report according to your requirement include Database fields,formula fields, Group Name,Running Total fields,Summary fields, Parameter fields,charts and Sub report. 
3.) Support for Report sections :-
This is used to divide the designer into multiple sections for your Convenience , so that you can make changes in specific sections without disturbing the other sections.The data that appears in the final report depends on the design-time choices. Report data varies depending on the sections where you insert the report objects.
Example:-If you place any controls in the Report Header section,that will appear only once at the beginning of the generated report and provide summary of whole report.
Role of the Embedded Crystal Reports Designer :-
The Embedded Crystal Reports Designer plays following important role in the architecture of Crystal Reports as given below:-
  • It plays an important role in creating report files for the Crystal Reports tool in visual studio 2010.
  • The Display of report and interaction with report,which occur at run time ,are performed by the Crystal Reports software Development kit (SDK).The Crystal Reports SDK is a set of tools used to build applications that include Crystal Reports
ReportViewer Controls:- 
Crystal reports for visual studio includes standard web form controls.These controls appear in the Toolbox and are used to view the report.Each control encapsulates complex report layout information into a graphics user interface (GUI) object within the Toolbox.
  • The CrstalReportViewer Control :- It displays the report in a page -based layout,with the ability to move between pages
  • The CrstalReportPartsViewer Control:- It displays report summary information in a small portal like window.We can easily drag and drop this control from the toolbox on to the web form to display a report.

How to install Crystal Reports on your visual studio 2010 and Solve the problems of CrystalReport.mht file easily

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Introduction :- Hi Friend, Before understanding the Concepts of Crystal reports,you have to install crystal reports tools on your visual studio 2010 or  visual studio 2012 or  visual studio 2013 etc. Here i will tell you ,how to install crystal reports on your visual studio 2010 and above. 
Here i will explain it with the help of visual studio 2010. I have downloaded some crystal report's versions but still it is not working in my visual studio 2010. When i tried to create crystal report still i was getting same page CrystalReport.mht file , I have found that some  version of crystal reports are not working for visual studio 2010. So i have downloaded an old version of crystal reports ,which is working in my visual studio 2010.I have installed this old version on visual studio 2010. I am using 32-bit architecture. 
  1. If you are using 32-bit architecture and visual studio 2010 then you have to download it from here .
  2. If You are using 64-Bit Architecture and visual studio 2010 then you have to download it form here.
  3. If your using 32 -bit architecture and visual studio 2012 or visual studio 2013 the you have to download it from here .
  4. If your using 64 -bit architecture and visual studio 2012 or visual studio 2013 the you have to download it from here .
If are facing any type of problems, follow below link to download your appropriate crystal report as follows:-
  •  First open below link from here and download appropriate crystal report as shown below:-

Introduction of Crystal Reports in .NET

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About Reports :- We already know,In Businesses and enterprises, organizing and presenting information is traditionally done in documents called Report.
There are following reasons to use Reports in businesses and enterprises as follows:-
  • We already know,raw data has not been processed in any manner.It is neither meaningful nor useful to people.
  • To make this data useful,we have to organize in a meaningful way.
  • All though report can also be created manually,their complexity has increased over the years.This has made it difficult to add,modify or sort data in them.   
A standard report can have multiple functionalities as follows:-
  • A report can be used to calculate and aggregate data to support conditional formatting.
  • A Report supports links.
  • A report supports Bookmarks and document maps.
  • A report supports sort and group functionality so that we will be able to retrieve and organize data with precision.
  • A report also provide the run time functionality so that users can navigate large report,search for specific data,export the report to a file, print the report etc.  
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