How to use ObjectDataSource control in applications

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Hi friend,Today we will learn how to configure and use ObjectDataSource control in applications .This control represents the business objects and allow you to use the objectDataSource control in conjunction with a data-bound control to display ,edit and sort the data on a web page with little or no code .The control is used to create web applications that rely on the middle-tier objects to manage data. I have already explained following data source as given below :-
There are some steps to implement the whole concepts as given below:-

How to access the database using XmlDataSource Control in

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Hi friend ,Today we will learn about the XmlDataSource Control in The XmlDataSource Control allows a data bound control to bind the data from a XML document.This control also supports Xpath expressions that allow you to return only certain nodes from the XML document.In our previous post ,i have already explained some database controls with examples.
There some steps to implement this whole concepts as given below:- 
Step 1:- First open Your visual studio-->Create an Empty website-->Add  a Default.aspx page -->drag and drop  XmlDataSource and Gridview controls on the page as shown below:-

How to Access Microsoft Access database through AccessDataSource control easily

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Hi Friend,Today we will learn about AccessDataSource control in AccessDataSource control is used to access the data from the Microsoft Access Database File in control is very helpful to configure the connection with Microsoft Access Database . There is no need to write the c# or html codes for connections.This control creates the connection codes automatically.So you have to no worry about the c# codes.You can see the connection codes in Source file.
Here i have already configure the SqlDataSource Control as given in below link.
There are some steps to implement this whole concepts as given  below:-

How to draw different charts graphs using the chart control on website

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Hi Friend, Today,we will learn "how to display the database records on chart control".This chart includes different type of charts as pie,line,bar ,area etc.Here you can display your database records in different charts (pie,line,bar ,area etc).You can choose your chart type ,in which you want draw your graph.I have already displayed the records in different charts using Ajax Technology.You can learn it by following links as given below:-
There are some steps to implement this whole concepts as given below:-
Step 1:-First create a table(Goods Details) in your sql database and insert some values also as show below:-
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