How to use ZIP Operator Concepts in LINQ

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Hi friend, Today, i am going to explain "How to implement Zip operator concepts in Linq".You can easily implement this concepts in your projects. The Zip operator parses the elements at the same index position in each sequence. It reruns the result when one of the sequences finishes reading the element .It is helpful to write sort code in programs. i have explained this concepts with an example. you can implement it on your visual studio.
There are some steps to implement this concepts as given below:-
Step 1 :- First open your visual studio -->File --> new  --> Website --> Select ASP.NET Empty website --> OK --> Open Solution Explorer -->Add a New Web Form (default.aspx) --> Drag and drop List Box and Button Controls on the form as shown below:-

How to use conversion operators with linq query

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The conversion operators are used to change the type of input objects.This provide a simple and convenient way for converting sequences to other collection types.In this tutorial ,we will learn about the ToList conversion operators.This is very help when you want to differentiate the different data types (int,char,string ,etc.) according to you(customer). This concepts will help you to do it.If you want to display each data type's data one by one in your application then it is more helpful to you.Please read it very care fully and use it in your application according to your goal.
There are some steps to implement this concepts in .net application as given below.  
Step 1:- First open your visual studio -->File -->New --> Select ASP.NET Empty website -->OK -->open solution Explorer --> Add New Web form (home.aspx) --> drag and drop List Box and button controls on the web page from toolbox as shown below:-

How to use projection operators with Linq

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The projection operator is a very important concepts used in LINQ. The SelectMany() and Select () function are the type of projection operator which are used to define a projection to select values of the result based on a selector function (Ex. split()). In this tutorial i have used split() function to split the words from given strings. Here i have used select () clause for this purpose.You can use the SelectMany() clause to display the data.In this, i have  splitted the words from the strings where i  found the blank space in the sentence.  
There are some steps to implement this concepts as given below:-
Step 1 :- First open your visual studio --> File --> New --> Website -->Select ASP.NET Empty Website--> OK --> Open Solution Explorer -->Add a New web Form (Default.aspx)--> Drag and Drop ListBox and Button control  on the page from toolbox as given below:-

How to implement Join Clause Concepts in LINQ Query

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Hi Friends , I have already explained the Join concepts in sql server.We can use the  join clause to combine two sources of data based on some specific criteria. If you have two lists of data then you can combine it by using join clause concepts.You can easily use this join clause concepts in your projects also for combining two lists data.You can download whole application from below and run it on your visual studio easily. 
There are some steps to implement this concepts as given below:-
Step 1 :- First open your visual studio -->File  -->New -->Website -->Select ASP.NET Empty Website -->OK --> Add a New web Form (Default.aspx) --> Drag and Drop ListBox and Button controls on the page from toolbox  as given below:-

How to implement LINQ Concepts with Aggregate operators in

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Hi Friends ! Today , i will show you "How to implement LINQ Concepts with Aggregate operators in". The Aggregate operators are used to calculate a value. Here  i will show you the values of all aggregate functions in List Box Control.This Aggregate functions are basically used in database values manipulation. I have already used this concepts in sql server database. There are some aggregate operators are used in as given below:-
  • Count
  • Min
  • Max
  • Average
  • Aggregate
You can use this aggregate operators concepts in your Real time projects if it needed.There are some steps to implement this concepts in your application as given below:-
 Step 1 : - First open your visual studio -->File -->New -->website --Select ASP.NET Empty website -->ok -->Open Solution Explorer -->Add a New web form (Default .aspx) -->Drag and Drop List box and Button's controls on the form as given below:-

How to Implement PLINQ Query Concepts in ASP.NET Application

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A Simple PLINQ Query concepts basically works on a large collection of data. If we use PLINQ Query on a small collection of data then effect of PLINQ is not visible. Suppose you have a large collection of data if you want to display a specific range of data then you will have to use this PLINQ concept in your c# coding.If you have small collection of data then there is no need to use PLINQ Query in your application. PLINQ Query basically introduced  to display the large collection of data with a range .In this Tutorial , i have displayed the all numbers with a specific range by a common differences.
There are some steps to implement this concepts on your ASP.NET Applocation as given below:-
Step 1 :- First open your visual studio -->File --> New -->Website -->Select ASP.NET Empty website -->OK -->Open your solution explorer --> Add a New Web form (Defult.aspx) -->Drag and Drop Text Box , Button and List Box control on the page from toolbox as shown belopw:-

How to Use Grouping and Sorting operators Concepts in LINQ Query

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Hi Friends ! Today , i am going to show you "How to use Grouping and Sorting operators Concepts in LINQ Query ".Here i will show you Group query results based on some key values. You can easily sort the Integer arrays values in two order :-
  1. Ascending
  2. Descending
You can use this two concepts(Grouping and Sorting) in your web applications.Now days this concepts is mostly used in our web applications.You can easily modify it, based on your requirements.
There are some steps to implement this concepts in your web application as given  below:-
Step 1 :- First open your visual studio --> File -->New -->Website -->Select ASP.NET Empty Website -->OK-->Open Solution Explorer --> Add a New Web Form (Default.aspx)-->Drag and Drop List Box and Button controls on the page from toolbox as shown below:-

How to display the XML File Data in ListBox using LINQ Query Concepts

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Hi Friends ! Today ,I am going to explain "How to display the XML File Data in ListBox using LINQ Query Concepts".In this post i have used many concepts but How much you can use this concepts for your application,it is totally depends on you.You can perform write,Read ,update,delete and other operations also in XML File from here. You can use this whole concepts in your application.If You want to make a commercial application then you have to understand these concepts very carefully.In this application ,i will display two XML File data in List Box control which is placed in different location.I have used Linq concepts to fetch the specific data from XML File.Here My first XML File(student_data.xml) is placed inside our project(website)folder and second (myfile.xml) is placed inside my computer D: drives . You can placed it (XML file) in any drive but you will have to change the c# codes also. 
There are following steps to implement this concepts on  your web page as given below:-

How to insert,update and delete the records in Database using LINQ concepts

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Hi Friends ! Today , i am going to Explain "How to insert,update and delete the records in database using LINQ concepts".In this concepts, i will use Data context class to perform this whole operations(insert,delete,update). You can also easily display the records with the help of Data Context class.Linq concepts are very helpful for our .net applications. Every things which you can perform in SQL Query, perform in Linq query also.The Linq query is more simplest than SQL. Here i have explained this in graphical way which is more user friendly. Any user can easily insert,update and delete the records in database.Here each User can easily see the inserted ,updated and deleted the records on your computer screen. 
There are following steps to understand the whole concepts as given below:-
Step 1:- First open SQL Server Management studio-->Create a table (student12) by run the following commands .

How to Run Linq query against DataSet in.NET

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Hi Friends! Today i will show you,"How to Run Linq query against DataSet ".In this ,i will filter the data from database with the help of Data set.This is very simple concepts but this more important for small and  large projects.You can use this concepts on your projects if it required.Data set is basically a cache memory in .NET Which i have already explained in section.
There are following steps to implement this concepts in .net application as given below:-
Step 1 :- First open your visual studio -->File -->New -->website -->Select ASP.NET Empty website -->OK -->Open Solution Explorer -->Add New Web Form (Default.aspx) -->Drag and Drop List Box and Button controls on the form as shown below:-

How to Filter the data by ofType method using Linq concept

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Hi Friends ! Today i will show you "How to filter your mix data by ofType () method". You can use the Where clause to filter your data based on a particular type.Which i have explained in our previous tutorial here. You filer your data using ofType() method with Where clause.This is very simple code but we have to understand this concepts so that we can use this concepts on your small or large application based on requirements. There are following steps to implement this concepts on your application.
Step 1 :- First open your visual studio -->File -->New-->website -->Select AP.NET Empty webste -->OK -->Open Solution Explorer -->Add a new Web form(default.aspx) -->Drag and Drop 3 List box and a Button controls on the form as shown below:-

How to use WHERE Clause Concepts in Linq Query

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The  WHERE clause is a condition operator or filtering operator in Linq query.Which is used to define the restrictions on the basis of the elements returned.This operator is used for data retrieval purpose in Linq query or sql database.You can easily filter your output with the help of WHERE Clause concept.In this tutorial i will filter the some existing integer data output with the help of WHERE Clause in Linq query. You can perform this operation on database also.
There are some steps to implement this concept on web  applications as given below:- 

How to Implement Extension Methods and Lambda Expressions concepts in Linq Query

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Extension Methods:- The Extension Method, in .NET Framework allow you to add methods to existing types without creating a new derived type.Means You can easily extend the functionality of existing method.This is done by re-compiling and modifying the original type.
         The extension Method takes parameters in which first parameter defines the types that it extends.A class that defines the Linq extension method is called Enumerable class which is contained in the System.Linq Namespace.
Rules for Extension Methods:
  • Method must be static 
  • Method must be declared in static class.
  • Method must be taken the parameter

How to Run Linq Query Against Array and List

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Linq (Language Integrated Query):- It is a programming language feature through which we can link query within programming language itself.We can run link query against any data source .When we run Linq query then most of the error regarding query we get to know at compile time.

Var :-  This is a new data type which set the type of variable according to the value assign to the variable.  Means if we assign int type value in var variable then  its type will be integer,so we can not assign any other type instead of int type in var variable in whole program.
var sname ="ABC';
Since we declare sname as var type and also assign string value("ABC") in this variable(sname) ,so its type is string,that means we can't  assign any other type value in sname variable in whole program.
Note:- You can assign any type (int,string,char,float ,etc) values in Var type variables.

Linq Query

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Language-Integrated Query(Ling) was Introduced as a new Component of .NET Framework 3.0. The basic
function of Linq is to add native data querying capabilities to .Net Framework by using the syntax similar to Structured Query Language(sql).
  • Linq is a programming model that is used to provide a consistent method to obtain and manipulate
    data. Linq define the set of query operators,which are used to query and filter the data.
  • In .NET Framework 4.0,Linq is used for writing efficient and multithreading queries,which is called
     PLinq (Parallel Linq).we can easily retrieve data from various data source through Linq query,
    such as Linq to Object,Linq to ADO.NET and Linq to XML.
  • A query is an expression that retrieves the requested data from a data source .Linq queries
    can also perform additional functions.such as sorting and grouping the retrieve data. The various clauses that you can use with the Linq query are the 'Form',where 'order by' and 'Select' clauses.

    There are three basic steps to execute the Linq query.
  1. Obtain the data source that can be either an Sql Database or an XML File.
  2. Create the query. 
  3. Execute the Linq Query.
For more:-
I hope this is helpful for you.
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